Home eLearning Glossary PLC – Professional Learning Community: Definition & Benefits
PLC – Professional Learning Community: Definition & Benefits
PLC – Professional Learning Community Principles focus on learning in the workplace and on a life long learning.
Professional learning communities (PLCs) are a holistic approach to teacher and school improvement. They focus on the whole person, not just the classroom or school. Learning occurs when you learn to connect with others in your district and collaborate on improving your teaching practice. PLCs are an ongoing process of professional growth that involves teachers engaging in reflective practice within their classrooms, collaborating with other teachers within their schools, and sharing ideas and resources with colleagues across the district.
A professional learning community (PLC) is a team of teachers working to improve student achievement. A PLC can be formed in any grade level or subject area and will often meet regularly, such as once per month, to plan and implement professional development.
The goal of a PLC is to create an environment where teachers can collaborate effectively and share resources to help all students learn better.
A PLC is a group of teachers, students, parents, and community members who collaborate to improve the school. A PLC comprises people with different roles, but all are committed to creating an excellent education experience for students.
There are many ways that any individual can participate in PLCs:
In the first stage of the PLC journey, teachers come together to identify a real need in their classroom. They share ideas and resources they've tried, discuss options they can take next, and decide which one(s) to use.
The second stage involves teachers implementing their chosen strategy. This might take a week or several months, depending on how much time teachers need for reflection and reflection-in-action (see above).
Finally, in the third stage, data is collected from students' performance before, during, and after implementing an intervention. Data must indicate whether something worked rather than an end goal; this enables educators to reflect on their decision-making process throughout the PLC journey - what worked well? Where did we go wrong? What could we do differently next time around?
The process of creating a PLC is not complicated. It is a way of thinking about education and learning that can be applied differently. A PLC is not a particular model. It is simply an approach that focuses on how students learn individually and how teachers collaborate and support each other. How schools can work together to support students' learning at home, and how districts can sustain these efforts across time by planning for professional development activities. That will support teachers' growth in their practice.
The process for developing your local PLCs should consider the following:
The following are the most effective principles of a PLC:
Professional learning communities are built around improving student learning, and keeping this as your focus is essential.
It is a critical component of the PLC model. Instructional leadership is the process of planning, implementing, and evaluating the educational program. It is a shared responsibility between the principal, teachers, and parents.
The instructional leader should:
When it comes to adult learning, there are a few essential things to keep in mind:
Continuous improvement is one of the essential principles. You should constantly evaluate your efforts and make changes based on what you learn. It would be best to encourage others to do this so everyone can see how their work fits into the larger scheme.
Continuous improvement requires data, which means you must collect it systematically over time to identify trends and make decisions based on those trends rather than relying on individual anecdotes or gut feelings. For example, suppose everyone is collecting data and contributing it back to the group for analysis. In that case, more information will be available for improvements than if only some members collect data while others don't bother (or even sabotage the process).
Systems focus is seeing and understanding the connections between individuals, groups, and systems. It also involves seeing how these connections relate to each other over time. Systems thinking is based on five fundamental principles:
Interconnectedness: There is a connection between all parts
Feedback loops: The effects of any system change can be amplified or diminished because of its impact on other elements in the system
Nonlinearity: Small changes in one area can create significant changes in another
Emergence: New properties arise out of complex interactions between many agents
Redundancy: We can remove many parts without having a significant impact on overall performance
The Professional Learning Community is a team effort. It's a shared responsibility. Everyone is accountable for their work and has a role to play. No one can point fingers or blame others if the PLC doesn't work out as planned—because we all have our roles to play in making this project successful.
The group achieves collective efficacy when they have a shared belief in the group's ability to work together to accomplish its goals. In addition, the group members have confidence that they will be successful and have the capacity to learn.
Privileged time is the time and space for PLCs to meet. It's an opportunity for the group to get to know each other, develop trust and learn how they want their school culture to look.
Privileged time may include:
Evidence-based practice is a core principle in our field. It is the foundation of our actions, which means that our efforts are based on research and evaluation. Evidence-based practice means we must use data to guide decisions about how we work with students, teachers, parents, and families.
We can't teach without assessing; therefore, assessment must be at the heart of everything we do in schools. We must evaluate our programs to ensure they are effective for all students and maximize learning outcomes for all learners.
As a teacher or administrator, you may wonder why being part of a PLC is important. What are the benefits, and how can you know if your PLC is working?
Here are three reasons why being part of a PLC is beneficial:
PLCs are a learning journey, and everyone needs support along the way. The more we can understand each other's needs and provide that support, the more effective we will be as educators.