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What is Web-Based Training?

Web-based training is delivered as a web application, allowing course access from anywhere in the world. Read this blog to know more.

Web-based training is a cost-effective and convenient way to train employees, but it's for more than just businesses. Individuals and organizations can also use web-based training to share information with others or the public. The following tips will help you create a successful web-based training program that improves productivity and effectiveness in your business.

What Is Web-Based Training?

Web-based training (WBT) is a form of e-learning that can be used to train employees, students, or customers. WBT involves the use of interactive media on the web to deliver instruction. It may include videos, audio files, animations, and text documents that can be accessed via computers or mobile devices.

Types of Web-Based Training

Below are the three types of web-based training:

Synchronous Web-Based Training

Synchronous web-based training is the type of training where participants interact with each other and the instructor simultaneously. This happens through audio conferencing over the internet or via videoconferencing. This type of training is best used in situations where a group of people will be learning together, such as:

  • An instructor teaching a class session
  • An organization's IT department conducts periodic maintenance on their equipment

Asynchronous Web-Based Training

This web-based training is a type of web-based training where learners can access the course at their own pace. Asynchronous learning is also known as self-paced, independent, or asynchronous instruction.

In a typical asynchronous setting, there's no instructor present, and each learner works through the material at his speed. In addition, the course content is typically available 24 hours a day, so the learner can work through it whenever he wants to.

Blended Web-Based Training

Blended training is the combination of classroom and e-learning. The instructor presents the material, and then the learners complete it independently. It's a combination of live training and eLearning!

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to use web-based training in your organization. Whether you're working with new employees or looking for a way to improve productivity across all departments, this method offers many benefits that will help your business grow.

Benefits of Web-Based Training to businesses

Web-based training is an efficient and effective way to deliver training. It offers many benefits that can help you be more productive, including:

Web-Based Training saves both time and money

There are several reasons why web-based training is better than traditional classroom training. First, it's much cheaper to create and deliver. There are just a few steps involved in the creation process: you write the material, record yourself reading it aloud, edit your recordings if necessary, and publish them on the web. Then your employees can access this material whenever they want (and as often as they want).

Second, there are no travel costs associated with web-based training—something that can add up quickly when you're talking about 100+ employees who need to visit an offsite location regularly or even once per year. Thirdly, because most people have computers at their desks these days (and those who don't probably shouldn't be working there), they'll already have everything they need to access your company's content online—no extra hardware or software needed! Last but certainly not least: since everyone has ready access via their phone screens (or whatever device) without needing additional equipment like headsets/headphones, learning becomes easy for novices too."

Web-Based Training gives learners the opportunity to network

In addition to learning, learners also have the opportunity to network and collaborate with their peers. This is especially helpful if you're training someone new to your industry or might be working on a project where they'll need help from others. Furthermore, web-based training allows you not only to teach information but also to give advice about how best to use that knowledge in real-life situations.

If you're looking for a way to improve your company's training program without spending extra money, web-based training may be right for you!

Web-Based Training provides consistency in training

Web-based training is a great way to provide consistency in training. Having the information readily available online ensures that your team members are learning the same thing simultaneously. In addition, it is easy to update web-based courses and ensure that they are always current with any changes or new developments in your field. This makes them easy to share across departments or teams as well.

Another benefit of web-based training is that employees can access it anywhere worldwide—no matter where they may be located!

This allows for greater flexibility when scheduling training sessions and ensuring everyone gets what they need from their experience with web-based learning materials."

Learners can participate anytime, from anywhere

  • They can participate at any time of day, from anywhere.
  • Learners can learn at their own pace.
  • They can use their own devices.
  • Learners can access the training content anytime and anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.

Web-Based Training uses real-world problems and examples

Web-based training is more engaging because it uses real-world examples and problems. Using real-world examples has been shown to increase engagement and retention. This is because when we are presented with a problem or situation that we can relate to, we tend to remember it better than if it was abstracted or unrealistic.

You can showcase key concepts using real-world examples in your web-based training program. For example, suppose you teach someone about e-commerce marketing analytics. In that case, you might show them an actual case study from one of your clients where they used Facebook ads to drive traffic from social media users directly onto their website where they purchased a product. You could then go into further detail on why this worked well for them (you could even describe how much money was made) so that those participating in your course can understand what types of actions should be taken when trying something similar.

Steps to develop Web-Based Training

To develop a web-based training program, you should first identify the problem. The next step is to create a plan that addresses this issue. Then, implement the plan and evaluate the results of your efforts.

Web-Based Training best practices

Your web-based training should be engaging and easy to follow. You can do this by:

Deliver it on multiple formats & devices

Web-based training can be delivered on multiple formats and devices. The most common delivery format is text, but it's possible to deliver your content as audio, video, or through interactive applications. This means that you can reach employees who need access to desktop computers at work or home.

The most common devices for web-based learning are tablets and smartphones. Employees increasingly use these devices for training because of their convenience and accessibility anywhere they go.

Use engaging visuals

When doing your web-based training, use visuals to explain concepts, illustrate examples and break up the text, making the training more interesting and interactive. In addition, adding images to your course will help make it more memorable for learners by reinforcing key points through visual cues (168). For example, if a learner is looking at a diagram or a chart, he can read the question aloud without being prompted by any written word (169).

Provide online support

In addition to the learning materials, you should provide online support. This can include:

  • A forum where learners can ask questions and share their experiences with other learners
  • A way for learners to connect

Offer microlearning

Microlearning is a method of delivering training in small chunks. It can be used to deliver training on the go, reinforce learning and provide additional information or feedback.

The biggest benefit of microlearning is that it allows you to deliver content in bite-sized pieces–keeping learners' attention and ensuring they don't forget what they learned during their previous session. In addition, when your employees are short on time or have trouble finding time for training, microlearning helps you deliver key information at their convenience.

Train in real-world situations

It's a good idea to train in real-world situations. Training should be done in the same environment you will be working in. This means using real data, equipment, and other people.

  • Train in the field
  • In the lab
  • Train on the job site


Web-based training is a great way to train your employees, but it's important to understand the different types of web-based training and how they work before implementing them in your business. Make sure you know what type of learner you have and their preferred learning style. It's also important to make sure that your learners have access to technology—whether that means providing them with devices or allowing them time during work hours so they can complete their learning activities at home.