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Synchronous Learning: Definition, Benefits, Best Practices

Synchronous learning is a technology-based educational solution designed to engage even the most remote and hard-to-reach students.

Synchronous learning is where the learners and teachers are in real-time contact. This kind of learning is usually done with the help of online technology such as chat rooms, video conferencing, or webinars.

Definition of Synchronous Learning

Synchronous interaction involves an exchange of ideas between two or more people at the same time through either verbal or nonverbal communication. The synchronous component of this definition refers to both a simultaneous exchange of information and a shared experience between participants.

Synchronicity is when two or more things coincide. We often refer to events that seem related but have no discernible causal connection. For example, if you were waiting for your friend at her house and she called you at that exact moment—that would be synchronicity!

Types of Synchronous Learning

We can divide it into two types:

Synchronous chat

This synchronous learning involves active participation among teachers, students, and other participants in the classroom or virtual meeting space. We often use it for discussing issues or answering questions during the course.

Asynchronous communication

This asynchronous communication may include emails, webinars, live chats, or videoconferencing between teachers and students (or group members).

Synchronous Learning in Education

This method allows students to interact with each other during the learning process. We also call it collaborative learning because it will enable students to help each other learn more effectively.

In this way, you can use the internet as a tool that helps you communicate with your classmates and teachers at any time of day or night (or even on holidays) if you want to learn something new.

Advantages of Synchronous Online Learning

Asynchronous learning is a great way to learn, but it has limitations. The main one is that you can't interact with your teacher or other students. You are left to your own devices when completing assignments and projects. This would result in higher levels of engagement. Still, the opposite happens, and many learners lose motivation because they don't get the same level of interaction they would if they were in a classroom setting.

With synchronous teaching methods, however, you can get all the benefits of traditional classrooms and self-guided learning environments! For example, you will be able to ask questions or clarify information as it comes up during lessons instead of being stuck trying to figure out what something means later on (or worse yet - not figuring out what something means at all!). You'll also be able to take part in discussions with other students, which will help improve collaborative problem-solving skills while providing an outlet for sharing expertise!

Disadvantages of Synchronous Learning

While asynchronous learning is excellent, there are some disadvantages to it as well.

  • There's no guarantee that the other person will be able to understand you. If they have an accent, or a thick Southern drawl (like I do), then it will be difficult for them to know what you're saying—and vice versa.
  • You can't hear their voice if they're using text-to-speech software (often used by ESL learners). This means you won't get any clues about how enthusiastic or angry they sound when they reply to your message!
  • The other disadvantage is that you can't see the person's face when they're talking to you. This can make it difficult to tell if they are being serious, joking around, or just making small talk.
  • It can also be hard to tell if the person is upset or sad. For example, suppose someone seems angry or agitated when talking to you via text message. In that case, it can be difficult to tell if this is just their personality (or how they are usually) or if something has happened in their life that might have upset them.

Learners and teachers are in real-time contact.

This means you can ask questions, receive answers instantly, and participate in discussion forums simultaneously.

Asynchronous learning occurs when you can access resources 24/7 but do not need to engage with others during each day actively.

Offline learning refers to traditional classroom settings where students are instructed in person by an instructor or teacher on a set schedule (e.g., Monday through Thursday).

Blended learning combines synchronous and asynchronous instruction elements, while traditional classroom environments typically combine all three types.


There are many advantages to synchronous learning. We can use it in any course, from traditional face-to-face training to e-learning. But not all learning styles are well suited for this type of interaction, so be sure your students have the skills necessary before starting a synchronous class.