Home       5 Types of Diversity Training in the Workplace in 2024

5 Types of Diversity Training in the Workplace in 2024

What sets a company apart from the rest of the herd? That would be diversity and inclusion in their workplace. Nowadays, people often turn their backs even on their well-loved brands. One politically incorrect remark or insensitive comment in the...

What sets a company apart from the rest of the herd? That would be diversity and inclusion in their workplace. Nowadays, people often turn their backs even on their well-loved brands. One politically incorrect remark or insensitive comment in the media is all it takes.

Concerns about a company's ideals arise when there is a noticeable ethnic preference. Thus, a company must have a concrete DE&I program to see where improvements are necessary. But bringing this to fruition can be challenging. To do so, you must reconsider the types of diversity training that your company has in place. And if you have none yet, this article can help you improve your workplace conditions.

But before anything else, here is a quick rundown of diversity training.

What is Diversity Training?

Think of a person's unique identity:

  • Color
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Physical and mental ability
  • Race
  • Sexual orientation
  • Socio-economic status

Diversity training focuses and provides awareness for these aspects. The training also addresses how differences come together to form a workplace culture.

Not only does diversity encompasses tolerance, but it is also about acceptance. Your company environment must uphold your values while eradicating discrimination or harassment. Everyone in the company must work together with respect and dignity intact.

Now, this is in no way saying that inclusivity can completely transform a mentality. But it helps in breaking down outdated barriers and educating people. And this is where the types of diversity training come into effect.

Diversity training is effective when…

  • There is respect for diversity in co-workers
  • Company culture is inclusive and not at all divisive
  • It is not a mere to-do list of acceptable and derisive behaviors
  • Proper understanding and acceptance are evident among employees
  • Everyone embraces different approaches instead of only tolerating them
  • Employees are happier and stay in the company for a long time
  • Hiring costs in the company is low

The keyword here is acceptance. Tolerating differences is not good enough anymore. When your diversity training works, employees will feel included and a part of a whole.

Why the Need for Diversity in the Workplace?

Think of all the great talents that your company can bring together. A diversified workplace will be rich in and filled with brilliant ideas. This kind of game-changer can set your company apart from the rest. But keep in mind, diversity is not about having many people with differences in your company. That is simple. What you need is an inclusive culture in your diverse workplace.

And true enough, inclusivity is challenging when people treat differences with distrust. Some of your employees are disbelievers of equality and empathy. To change this kind of mindset requires your company to incorporate diversity training.

Because once diversity is set in the workplace, you can expect for:

  • Improvements in productivity
  • Increase in the company's morale
  • Advances in innovations
  • Onslaught of creativity
  • Higher rates of employee retention
  • Better brand reputation

A typical diversity training comprises of…

  • a course with equality, diversity, and inclusion at its core. The training aids employees in better understanding their role in creating positive relationships. Too, employees must combat prejudices and promote equality after the training.
  • a non-judgmental approach to understanding how and why unconscious prejudices take place
  • one-on-one help, small talks, and group developments. The aim is to plan ahead of time to do the requirements of BIPOC.
  • continuous encouragement of employees to further their understanding of diversity and inclusion. They, too, must be able to speak up about DEI matters.
  • DEI crisis management training. This part provides the necessary skills and information to handle workplace situations.

Five Types of Diversity Training

What are these effective and proven types of diversity training? This is the ultimate question, isn't it? And here are five of them:

1. Awareness Training

The first type is one of the most effective types of diversity training. Awareness training allows every employee to know about their co-workers from different backgrounds. Also, everyone will have a firm grasp of managing or working with a diverse staff.

The goal is to make the concept of equity known and observed. Every employee must give fair treatment to everyone despite their identities or marginalization.

Through Teachfloor's curriculum builder feature, you can organize the following key points:

  • Unity in problem-solving and decision-making
  • Need for change in the workplace
  • Eradication of prejudices
  • Promotion of respect towards co-workers
  • Uplifting the minority
  • Creation of awareness about differences

2. Diversity Audits

Performing these audits is a challenging task for the HR Department. After all, it requires conducting tricky formal assessments that examine existing workplace conditions. Furthermore, performing diversity audits helps HR identify any discrimination that is happening. And since this is not easy, proper training and tools are a prerequisite for HR professionals.

But once you make diversity audits, it allows for better employee behavior. Also, employee experience is enhanced right from the hiring stage.

Diversity audits are even known to help in:

  • Assessing peer relations and company happenings
  • Implementing employee transparency
  • Identifying any form of discrimination
  • Managing employee attitudes
  • Observing company policies

3. Microlearning

You cannot expect all your employees to be receptive to diversity training. This is more so when they are in a room like canned sardines. Adding the fact that a training session may last for hours on end, you will see disinterest from many.

But you can turn this around with microlearning. This type of diversity training breaks sessions into smaller and digestible parts. You can opt to schedule their delivery when your employees already need them. It is even possible to incorporate online blended learning. This learning involves the combination of both face-to-face and online methods. Cohort-based platforms like Teachfloor aims to help companies in the latter aspect.

Too, microlearning is an excellent way to introduce company goals. This type also enables employees to practice those goals later on.

4. Mobile learning

Although the pandemic has subsided somehow, it is still very much evident globally. Hence, taking the digital route is something that your remote team will benefit from. And this is where mLearning or Mobile Learning comes in. This modern type of diversity training is convenient – not to mention cost-effective. 

Platforms like Teachfloor allow employees to connect with co-workers regardless of differences. Likewise, mLearning makes company happenings accessible for people with disabilities.

5. Skill-based Training

Diversity training will not be completely effective without developing employees' interpersonal skills. This skill set, in particular, is what makes diverse teams harmoniously operate. Thus, new and current employees must learn to communicate and perform with co-workers.

And to do so, skill-based training for new hires focuses on actions that revolve around:

  • Reinforcing existing abilities
  • Acquiring skill-building techniques
  • Developing new interaction skills

Managers and supervisors then undergo technical training to improve administrative abilities.

Final Thoughts

Is your company ready for 2022? Ensure that you are by embodying inclusivity with the help of diversity training. Through this, you can bring out the best among your employees. They will be capable of working on multi-faceted projects. And without interference from individual differences, any projects are achievable.

Make all these happen with Teachfloor – your partner in online live courses under your brand:

  • You can run your diversity training on Zoom in partnership with us
  • Schedule your sessions on your calendar for your employees to follow
  • Work alongside other professionals for better diversity training
  • Send reminder emails before every session

All you have to do is choose one among the types of diversity training. Let Teachfloor help you run it. And see how your company's working environment becomes more accepting.

Further reading

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