Home       104 Best Post-Training Survey Questions for Enhanced Learning Outcomes

104 Best Post-Training Survey Questions for Enhanced Learning Outcomes

Unlock the full potential of your training programs with our in-depth collection of 105 expertly crafted post-training survey questions.

It's one thing to conduct a training exercise and another thing to measure its effectiveness. For a long time, companies have been using post-training surveys to obtain feedback from employees and assess the impact of their training programs.

To make the best of them, these questions are usually tailored to the specific context of one's training program. But how does one craft the right questions to achieve desired results? A question that will be answered with more than enough examples. 

What's a Post Training Survey?

As the name implies, a post-training survey is used to gather information from workers after a training program. It contains questions that help companies to identify areas for improvement and to measure the effectiveness of the program. They come in numerous contexts. So, there's no one-fit-all question. These questions come in different types. 

Survey questions for employees include objective and subjective questions. On the other hand, types of responses include Likert scale, single choice, multiple choice, binary choice, true/false, etc. 

Why is Conducting a Post-Training Survey Important?

Conducting a post-training survey is important for several reasons:

  1. Feedback on Effectiveness: It allows the trainers and organizers to gather feedback on the effectiveness of the training. Participants can provide insights on what worked well and what didn't, helping to identify areas for improvement.
  2. Measuring Learning Outcomes: Surveys can help in assessing whether the training objectives were met and if the participants have gained the intended knowledge or skills.
  3. Improving Future Trainings: The feedback collected can be used to refine and improve future training sessions, making them more relevant and effective for subsequent groups of participants.
  4. Engagement and Satisfaction: Surveys show that the organizers value the opinions of the participants, which can increase engagement and satisfaction. This is important for maintaining a positive learning environment.
  5. Identifying Additional Needs: Responses can reveal additional training needs or topics that were not covered but are important to the participants.
  6. Accountability and Reporting: For organizations, these surveys provide a form of accountability, allowing them to report on the effectiveness of their training programs to stakeholders.
  7. Long-Term Impact Assessment: By conducting follow-up surveys some time after the training, organizations can assess the long-term impact and the actual application of the learned skills in the workplace.

In summary, post-training surveys are a key tool in the continuous improvement process of educational and training programs. They ensure that training remains relevant, effective, and aligned with the needs of the participants and the goals of the organization.

Designing Objective and Subjective Questions in Post-Training Surveys

When designing a post-training survey for employees, it's important to include both objective and subjective questions, as well as a variety of response types. Here's how you might structure these:

Objective Questions:

Objective questions are fact-based and usually have clear, definitive answers. They are often used to gather quantifiable data.

Single Choice:

  • Example: "Which department do you work in?" [Options: Marketing, Sales, HR, etc.]
  • Purpose: To categorize responses based on department.

Multiple Choice:

  • Example: "What tools or software were covered in the training?" [Options: Tool A, Tool B, Tool C, etc.]
  • Purpose: To understand which aspects of the training were most relevant.

Binary Choice/True or False:

  • Example: "Was this your first time attending a training on this topic?" [Options: Yes/No]
  • Purpose: To gauge the level of prior exposure to the topic.

Subjective Questions:

Subjective questions allow for more nuanced and personal responses, tapping into the participants' perceptions and feelings.

Likert Scale:

  • Example: "Please rate your level of agreement with the statement: 'The training content was directly applicable to my job role.' [Options: Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree]
  • Purpose: To measure degrees of agreement or satisfaction.


  • Example: "What was the most valuable aspect of the training for you?"
  • Purpose: To gather detailed, qualitative feedback.

Other Types of Responses:

Besides the standard formats, you can also consider:


  • Example: "Rank the following training modules in order of usefulness."
  • Purpose: To identify the most valuable parts of the training.

Scale Rating (Numerical or Semantic Differential Scale):

  • Example: "On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate the overall effectiveness of the training?"
  • Purpose: To quantify perceptions in a more granular way.

By combining these different types of questions and responses, you can gather a comprehensive set of data that provides both quantitative insights and qualitative understanding of the training's effectiveness and areas for improvement.

Samples of Post-Training Survey Questions

Below are 100 potential post-training survey questions that cover various aspects of training effectiveness:

Training Content

  1. How would you rate the relevance of the training content to your job responsibilities?
  2. Did the training materials effectively cover the key concepts and skills?
  3. Were the training materials easy to understand and follow?
  4. Did the training content align with your expectations?
  5. Were there enough multimedia elements?
  6. Did the content contain learning objectives for each module?


  1. How would you rate the effectiveness of the trainer/instructor?
  2. Were the explanations provided by the trainer clear and understandable?
  3. Did the trainer engage the participants effectively throughout the training?
  4. Did the trainer encourage questions and participation?
  5. How was the attitude of the instructors to training?
  6. Which trainer provided the best educational experience?

Training Delivery

  1. How would you rate the overall delivery of the training program?
  2. Were the training methods and techniques effective in facilitating learning?
  3. Did the training incorporate practical exercises or hands-on activities?
  4. Did the training sessions adhere to the schedule and time allotted?
  5. What type of delivery appeals most to you?

Training Facilities/Technology

  1. How satisfied were you with the training venue and facilities?
  2. Did the technology used during the training (audiovisual aids, online platforms, etc.) enhance your learning experience?
  3. Were there any technical issues or challenges during the training sessions?
  4. Was the learning platform easy to use?

Learning Environment

  1. How comfortable were you with the learning environment?
  2. Where did you take the training course?
  3. Did you feel free to ask questions and seek clarification during the training?
  4. Were there any distractions or obstacles that affected your learning experience?
  5. Did you take the training on a PC or smartphone?

Learning Experience

  1. Were you excited to learn new things?
  2. What did you enjoy most during the training?
  3. Do you prefer virtual learning to physical classes?
  4. How would you rate your training sessions?
  5. How satisfied are you with your learning paths?

Training Impact

  1. To what extent do you believe the training will positively impact your job performance?
  2. How confident are you in applying the knowledge/skills gained from the training in your daily work?
  3. Have you already started applying what you learned in the training to your job?

Educational Materials

  1. Were the training materials organized and easy to navigate?
  2. Did the training materials include relevant examples and case studies?
  3. Were there any specific topics or areas that you feel were not adequately covered?

Method of Receiving Feedback

  1. To what extent are you satisfied with the feedback you received during the training?
  2. Was the feedback on your performance constructive?
  3. Did you feel interested and engaged throughout the training session?
  4. Do you think the knowledge gained from the training can be useful in real-world situations?


  1. Do you think the training assessments reflected the primary learning objectives?
  2. Will you describe the assessments as fair and suitable for evaluating your understanding of the content?
  3. Can you recommend this program to a friend, and why?

Personal Growth

  1. Are you convinced that the training contributed to your growth as a person and employee?
  2. Did the program help you identify areas for improvement?

Teaching Method

  1. Are you satisfied with the teaching method?
  2. Was there any aspect that you disliked?
  3. What's your preferred teaching method?

Duration of the Training Program

  1. Was the duration of the training program enough to learn properly?
  2. Was the training too fast or slow?
  3. Would you like the next program to have the same duration?


  1. On a scale of 1-10,  rate the planning and organization of the program.
  2. Were there any issues that affected your experience?

Group Setting

  1. Did the group dynamics contribute to or hinder your learning experience?
  2. How would you rate the value of the interactions with other participants during the training?


  1. How satisfied were you with the support provided throughout the exercise?
  2. Were your concerns addressed on time?


  1. Were the training materials easy to access?
  2. Could you access supplementary resources?

Relevance of the Training to Your Job Role

  1. Do you agree that the training was tailored to your job role?
  2. Were there any modules that you found irrelevant to your job responsibilities?

Application of Your Learning

  1. How confident are you in applying the skills learned in your job?
  2. Did you get opportunities to practice the skills during the training?


  1. Were the resources for the training helpful?
  2. Did you receive enough resources for further learning?

Personalized Experience

  1. How well do you think the training was customized for an enhanced educational experience?
  2. Do you have any suggestions for us to improve on and offer a more personalized learning experience?


  1. Did the course include engaging interactive elements?
  2. To what extent did you rate the interactive elements illustrate the teaching for your understanding?


  1. Did you think the training achieved its goals?
  2. Did the training goals align with your learning objectives?


  1. Were you well prepared for the training session?
  2. What are the challenges you faced in accessing pre-training information?
  3. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your potential understanding of the course based on the pre-training information?
  4. Were there any resources or information that you wished you had received to prepare better?

Collaboration With Other Participants

  1. Did the training give you opportunities to collaborate with team members?
  2. To what extent would you rate the impact of peer learning on your educational experience?

Training Relevance to Industry Trends

  1. Did you think the program addressed emerging trends?
  2. Can you provide instances in which the training reflected industry best practices?


  1. Did you think the program created an inclusive learning environment?
  2. Were there any aspects that could be improved on to ensure inclusivity?

Integration of Feedback

  1. Did you believe that your feedback from the previous training session was considered in the recently concluded one?
  2. Did you notice any improvements based on the feedback from the previous training?


  1. Would you describe the follow-up activities as effective?
  2. Did you face challenges in practicing what you learned after the training?

Further Learning

  1. Did the training inspire a desire to continue learning and improving your skills?
  2. Did you receive additional learning resources?

Impact of the Training on Your Team Performance

  1. Do you think the training will improve your team's performance?
  2. How have you applied the knowledge gained to enhance your team's performance?

Support From the Company's Management

  1. Was your superior supportive of your participation in the training?
  2. Do you think the influence of the management's support enhanced your learning experience?

KPIs for the Training

  1. Suggest the best way to measure the long-term effectiveness of the training.
  2. Do you think the selected KPIs aligned with the training objectives?

Challenges Faced During Training

  1. Did you experience technical difficulties with the training platform we used?
  2. Suggest ways that we can improve or at least minimize these challenges in future training sessions.

Recommendations for Future Programs

  1. Suggest recommendations for improving future training programs.
  2. In your opinion, what specific adjustments should we make to the teaching method for a better learning experience?
  3. Mention topics that you want us to add or explain further in this program for future purposes.
  4. Do you recommend live or recorded training sessions?

Conducting a Post-Training Survey with Teachfloor

Using Teachfloor to conduct post-training surveys is a straightforward and effective way to gather valuable feedback. Teachfloor simplifies the survey process, allowing you to easily create, distribute, and analyze surveys. Here's a brief overview:

  1. Setup and Question Design: Start by adding a new survey element to your module. Name and describe it in relation to the training content. You can include multiple-choice and open-ended questions to capture a wide range of feedback.
  2. Response Collection: Participants find it easy to engage with the survey, offering their insights and opinions through a user-friendly interface. Their responses are submitted effortlessly, facilitating a high response rate.
  3. Feedback Analysis: Teachfloor offers tools to analyze the data both collectively and individually. This dual approach lets you see overall trends and dive into detailed personal feedback, providing a comprehensive understanding of the training's impact.

In essence, Teachfloor streamlines the feedback collection and analysis process, making it an essential tool for enhancing the quality and effectiveness of your training programs.


Post-training survey questions for employees are essential for the growth of an organization. The more surveys the company conducts, the more information they will gather. Once the organization uses this information to refine its training programs, it will make them better.

Additionally, survey questions for employees help companies keep their training in sync with emerging developments and trends in their industries. Consequently, better and more current training programs will result in a highly efficient and skilled workforce. When the organization achieves this, it's a guarantee that they will dominate or at least favorably compete in their field.

Further reading

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